X-Men: Green reader stand-in Cypher

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I was very disappointed there was no Synch in this issue. Also no Rogue or Polaris, and barely any Sunfire, but Synch is the character I want to see the most. I loved him in the first 3 issues. They should give him more scenes and variant covers!

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Beautiful Chapter X-Men another good pickup.

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"I aM nIgHtMaRe i WiLl"

Get SLAPPED in the goddamned mouth! Jean fans win today! 🙌

10 74

Okay, X-Men Green is… bad. This stuff makes Captain Planet look nuanced and it’s going to take so much work to recover Lin as character. Work that I worry not many writers are going to be interested in putting in.

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Oh my fucking GOD this one got REALLY REAL Y'ALL 😱

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I'm here for the Poison Ivy direction Duggan seems to be going with, but the unnecessary bloodshed is a turn off. Not to mention she needs to get her targets straight. Killing a manager and attacking workers, when her target should be politicians and CEOS

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S.W.O.R.D. welcomes Storm, Regant of Mars and the Voice of Sol

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was really phenomenal this week; impeccable art and narrative.

With the additions of Bei, Death, Shatterstar and Captain Avalon, Excalibur proving to be quite the battalion.

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Ok now I sort of want to see Excalibur to relaunch with these multidimensional folks

Betsy, Morded the Evil, Bei the Blood Moon, RicStar, Redroot the Forrest, and Death


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