画質 高画質

新しいマウスや水色系統の機器を買い揃えたいなぁ…と思いますค(" ॑ࠔ ॑")♡


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✨Happy New Year 2023✨
my resolution this year is to share more stuff about my creative process with you (especially for Flavor Girls)...

(Sara & Naoko's poses have been inspired by the cover of a recent Japanese magazine "for girls")

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. 『体操服 スパッツ 女の子)」』
(Gym clothes, spats, girls)")

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. 『花京院は難聴系主人公」』
(Kakyoin is a hard-of-hearing protagonist.")

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Debuted my OC
Reiza ❣️

He doesn't have full name yet :")
Anyone have any recommendations? Reply please 😃

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Here's some information about Anthony
They have scars because they defend themselves when a man tried to kill them,the only scar that Bob gave to them is the one on the stomach :")

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. 『虎を追いかける兎)」』
(Rabbit chasing a tiger)")

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. 『蝋燭の擬人化、少女、炎、🕯」』
(Candle personification, girl, flame, 🕯")

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Future things for CryptoTeddies:
CryptoTeddies & CryptoBabyTeddies & the new bigger collection (working name "On-Chain Teddies") should play/interact in a world of the teddies. Everything should come together. The vision is big and the joy will be huge for everyone haha.


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. 『異形の姫」』
(Princess of the Variant.")

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. 『無駄無無駄無駄無駄無駄ァ!!」』
(futile futile futile futile futile futile!!!!")

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. 『「オラオラオラオラオラオラオラオラァ!」』
(Ora ora ora ora ora ora ora!")

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Okay Dazai, next time pls no more coming to my account 😭😭🙏

Gw udah muak, kagak di kasih2 Chuuya malah dia mulu yg nongol :"))

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. 『シュヴァルツェスマーケン)」』

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Gamebanana: https://t.co/GtET1Aey77
-1 original character "Shiel" (and guest character "Andra")
-3 original songs
-3 levers of difficulties (easy, normal, hard)
-classic week (weeks that can be played in the traditional FNF style)


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. 『ボッチ・ザ・グレートボイン)」』
((Bocce the Great Boin).")

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Oh yeah, its also 1/1 which means its Xemnas day!
Lemme show you my best pieces with him in it. uvu
No, I have no set way of drawing him. :"")

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Quite happy with this one. From my recent Kickstarter "IN HELL" (sort of "Beetlejuice" meets "The Breakfast Club")

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Model: Braiger
Debut: Galaxy Cyclone Braiger ("Braiger")
Year: 1981
Designer: Yuichi Higuchi

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. 『(人物なし 宇宙 虹色の光 飛び交うフルーツ)」』
((no people, space, rainbow lights, flying fruit)")

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