Rainbow Dash: Who’d you have in mind, Coze?

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Rainbow Dash: You know what they say: the more the merrier!

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Rainbow Dash: Yep! Nice to meet you, Spyro! My name’s Rainbow Dash!

Spyro: “Rainbow Dash”?! That’s the coolest name ever!

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Rainbow Dash: One reason being he’s cool!

Spyro: Thanks lady!

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Rainbow Dash: Tell us something we DON’T know! *laugh*

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Rainbow Dash: Takes more than some dumb waterfall to keep me from my best bud! *noogies Lachlan*

Lachlan: *chuckles* I’m so happy you’re all okay!

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Rainbow Dash: Wait, did I just say that out loud?

*as Applebloom and Lachlan make it out of the caverns, Winona appears in front of them, looking like a fierce leader of a pack*

Winona: There you are!

Lachlan: Gah!! Winona!

Applebloom: *nervously* H-Howdy girl!

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Rainbow Dash: *was listening outside the caverns, touched by the song*

Lachlan: Thank you so much Nerissa!

Nerissa: Anytime, children. Come visit my caverns anytime you want.

*Lachlan and Applebloom say their goodbyes to Nerissa as they start heading back to the cave entrance*

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Zero Vs Iris from Mega Man X4. A climatic battle between lovers, and one that will end with true robotic despair!
This was a paid commission piece, hope you all like it.
Tags of hash:

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Rainbow Dash: Hey, there’s a small hole above the cave I can peek down! *she looks down to see Lachlan and Applebloom racing further down the caves with Winona about 45 seconds behind them, and she could hear this funky tune*


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Winona: In that cave, but it’s too small for you to fit through, I’ll keep up with them. *she follows them*

Rainbow Dash: I just hope those two didn’t get too far...

*they did, but Winona isn’t giving up*

Applebloom: Hey, you’re right Lachlan, adventures like this are fun!

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Tonight's Reading: The Flash: Savage Velocity

I like Wally West in general but no one is likable in this book

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Emergency Meeting

Aby: Hice esta reunion para decir que Homy no la e visto en toda la partida, con lo cual es Super SUS
Homy: Pero si yo estaba con Hernan, al quien no e visto es a TI
Hernan: Eso es cierto, Homy estaba conmigo pero a ti no te e visto
Dash: Ehh Skip

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Can we cross our fingers they don't give Ash & Mewtwo amnesia and be like:

Ash: "Wait... That's a Mewtwo!"
Mewtwo: "This boy looks familiar"


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Rainbow Dash: That’s nice of you Twilight, but there’s usually only ONE winner in these contests, plus I bet Lachlan can handle my competitive edge, right little buddy? *pets his head*

Lachlan: Yeah, if I can take on a psycho centaur, I can handle a competitive friend!

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Rainbow Dash: Ol’ Lachlan here thinks he can beat me in an iron pony contest!

Lachlan: ‘cause it’s true!

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Twilight runs into Lachlan and Rainbow Dash playfully arguing with each other, but thinks they’re fighting.

Lachlan: Yes!

Rainbow Dash: No!

Lachlan: Yes!

Rainbow Dash: No!

Lachlan: Yes!

Rainbow Dash: No!

*and it goes on and on until Twilight steps in*

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PonyLife Rainbow Dash: *appears through a portal* You mentioned ice cream?

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