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I did not crest this one. But love it also the same as it makes me think Sadayo being a sailor moon fan.

0 11

Merry Christmas to my Christian friends especially Gintama fan.
Also, Happy New Year 🎉

2 8

Happy Holiday and fan. 🧑‍🎄🧑‍🎄🎅☃️❄️

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(1/3) I've been having this back & forth with my girlfriend due to the lego toys, she knows I'm a big Shuma-Gorath fan. So, in the pics below, first is Gargantos, 2nd is Shuma-Gorath, third is the Doctor Strange 2 monster we see in the trailer.


2 27

Setsuna fans are my people. Never met a toxic Setsuna fan. Get along with every fellow Setsuna fan I come across.

Maybe 2022 will be the year she gets an alt in Heroes 👀

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Hey Long time fan. First time member. Can someone show me around the graveyard?

11 296

Megurine Luka and Rin Kagamine by Jojofan.

14 44

Gift 💙💜
(I'm not good at English, I use translation software, so it may look strange...)
I'm your fan. I like your animation memes and OCS very much! You are really a talented person. Happy Christmas Eve!

37 599

This poster, from artist Steve Brown, will be on sale at our two big Christmas screenings of DIE HARD. Would make an awesome last-minute gift for your resident and/or fan. Hmm? Hmmm?


0 4

As a Maximum Impact fan.
This brings me memories 🥲
I really like Ryo's alternate costume in Maximum Impact
Old Ryo/Mr. Karate II was badass

0 1

Doubt will keep you down, love yours
So you won't drown, no ~

Love Yours is basically saying be kind to yourself. Be your greatest fan. Easier said than done though. Because oftentimes we are our worst enemy.

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I absolutely adore I am his NO1 Nigerian fan. His new album, Live Life Fast is fire. So I made this concept art using ballpoint pens.
Please RT🔄🙏🏼 till he sees this

2 15

Anybody want a peanut? The is one of my favorite movies and this is my favorite scene! Dedicated to because he’s such a huge fan.

6 51

That's how I got to the "end" of this story.
Well, here is the congratulations scene!
I want to take this opportunity to also thank you for the 100 followers on Twitter. Thank you very much!!
[UNF], the MLP / EQG / Precure / EDM / HDM / good anime fan.

2 4

I dream about making a 1/6 of her someday. I REALLY would love that.
In the meantime, re-re-repost of my (oooold) Black Cat piece.
I need to do more recent art of her, I've always been a fan.

168 1382

While everyone is simping on Roxy I just imagine her being a die hard F1 fan.

48 288

The moment Beth saw at Comic Con Special Edition, she became a fan. Then she met him and he's a neat dude too! That's 2 for 2 so of course Bryce gets our artist shoutout in Ep 19!

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Alice's fans.
Alice's chasing fan. She expresses her love for Alice through dance.


2 11

si TeamAuron opina, yo estoy de acuerdo.
si TeamAuron habla, me callo y escucho.
si TeamAuron falla, wtf nunca falla.
si TeamAuron tiene 1 fan, yo soy ese fan.
si TeamAuron no tiene fans, es porque yo morí.


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