Hyped for the new BOTW sequel!
I made Zelda and Gannon in my species sheepie style.

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Are Gay Artists SERIOUSLY thirsting over Lich Ganondorf?! Like that’s a Mummified Corpse you nasties!

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Zelda's new hair!✨👑💇 I have a theory that the reason why she cut her hair is because she has to hide from the yiga because they want to use her to fully resurrect Ganondorf. kinda like how it was in skyward sword when they needed hylia to bring back demise.

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nintendo please im begging you please make ganondorf hot

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Ganondorf, but rehydrated✨

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Have my version of a young, redeemable version of Ganondorf that was friends with Link and Zelda because I WANT A REDEMPTION ARC FOR THIS MAN

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Ok I know we're all excited by short haired Zelda but who the heck is this corpse mofo striking a guitar pose?! Ganon?? Demise?? Ghirahim pulling a prank??

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i’m super enjoying all the good ganondorf stuff on my timeline right now sippy sippy

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My thirst for ganondorf is real ಠ◡ಠ

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Ahora es el mejor momento para sacar a la luz este dibujo de ganondorf que hice en Septiembre jeje.

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Il y eut une grande bataille qui se solda par un sort visant a sceller Ganondorf une bonne fois pour toute. Mais tout ne se passa pas comme prévu (classique aussi), au lieu de tout emprisonner le sort sépara corps et âme, donnant le Fléau tel qu'on l'a connu.

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De plus l'endroit aggripé par la main ne vous rappelle rien concernant Ganondorf ? Si je vous dis les mots "Twilight Princesse" et "épée" ? Avons-nous là le retour du point faible de notre ennemi juré ?

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De plus le trailer nous désigne clairement l'identité du cadavre: Ganondorf. Que ce soit par les peintures murales ou bien par les symboles Gerudo sur les habits et bijoux de la momie (+ le bijou sur son front qui correspond clairement au personnage)

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So are we just going to ignore Ganondorf is essentially Mumm-Ra now?

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I'm gonna be surprised if that drained figure isn't Ocarina of Time Ganondorf. He's got the Gerudo charm, the headress, red hair, and those rounded ears. Only that particular Ganondorf has ears that round.

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When I saw this, I was like "did a Sheikah try to stop him and give him a purple nurple or something? Is that the weakness of Ganondorf?" In all seriousness, it looks like he's being sealed by Sheikah power. Ganondorf gets all in a calamitous rage when someone grabs his manboob.

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