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The Modelling not the painting the 3D model work on this objectively bad Especially the cloth here. Use a program called Marvelous designer if you're going to be piss poor at doing cloth.

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NOO I can't let a shitpost be my art legacy, piss bro I swear I'm an actual 'artist'

2 46

I've put like four hours into this sketch and I really like the anatomy ect but the faces dont look good AGHHHHHH its because of the perspective. piss

0 6

Meet Ruckus Rockets Alter Ego. Ruckus is a crazy Sadistic version of Rocket. Try not to piss off this dude as he will just impail you if he wanted to. fortunately unlike Rocket he is way slower but he is extremely strong able to break stuff harder than diamonds

1 2

>TFW the British grant freed blacks their own Lodge charter to piss off the Founding Fathers

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im gonna fucking piss myself aaAAEUGHHH

0 4

She smells of cat piss

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Gonna piss some ppl off w this but in terms of Danny's relationships Valerie was the best 🤷🏾‍♀️

3 32

piss and vinegar yall

15 67

I did a thing. They've been making me piss in the swamp for months but I'm finally in. Also, ape for sale

6 184

But there's just something about people who are intentionally trying to be wacky and cartoony, that irk me all to hell.
People who THINK they know how to draw InkBlot style equally piss me off. I rarely seen it done well. It's so easy to fuck it up.

0 5

can't piss in your pants if you are wearing a skirt.

0 1

What are you scared of? Gonna piss your pants maybe?

23 325

Piss Hole: They Want Us to Forget chapter 9 is out now! Jean reunites with someone from their past; what questions will be answered-- or left unanswered? https://t.co/bJy4w1toQh

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my first thought was "piss"😂im sorry😂

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