Terminé de ver Promising Young Woman por 182927272 vez y tengo ganar de salir a mwordear varones porque son unos malditos

0 7

Aso here’s a doodle of Thoma understanding my Kaeya simp ass wanting to crown that darn man first despite promising to work on Thoma’s talent this week.

Im sorry Thoma next week titew pawmise TAT </3

6 48

If you are tired of similar 10k projects then you should look at these 4 super original that will be minted very soon 👇

They are all wonderful and promising 👍

2 7

I am about halfway through Baldr Force.
It's enjoyable, though I do feel a lot of the characters feel underdeveloped. Especially considering their gimmicks.
The concepts are quite promising (the Tsukina route was quite daring), though I do feel they don't reach max potential.

1 17

Anyways I think it's super cool that hasbro has taken some robot mode models designed for a cameo appearance and, without compromising the bot modes, given them all unique alternate modes. It's wild and I love it.

1 8

Not over hyping things but this project looks pretty promising - Made a mecha dragon variation just for fun 🐲

1 11


私の心が「ずーん⤵︎ ⤵︎」となったけれど、素敵な終わり方だった🥺

0 3

Just grabbed a off Magic Eden, this project seems to be really promising and listings below 1 $SOL are starting to thin out 👀🚀. Don't sleep on $LEAF

6 22

Artandselection~CreationCafe IYN・Gallery IYN~公式様()主催
PROMISING ARTIST枠【夢宙展】11月12日~11月23日

10 37

Ok promising myself this is the last NFT project I'll ape into, before I have to start selling body parts for liquidity! 😳

Feel like is majorly slept on... 🔥 art, attractive entry price, active community. Excited to see what's in store!


7 13

112. Concerning Paige, she got a respectable pay, compliments from her movie partners and a humble but promising beginning in the cinematographic world.

0 1

After promising to launch commissions for months, I am finally doing it!! Please consider checking out my carrd for more details and commissioning me, I'd love to make something for you!! <33 ;)

29 163

FYI is one of the most underrated and undervalued projects. Team consistently delivers while underpromising and overdelivering. One small catalyst and they'll going to fly! 💸 IYKYK

0 1

Gallery IYN様主催の企画展「夢宙」展にPROMISING ARTIST枠で作品を9点展示させていただくことになりました。

場所:Gallery IYN/Creation Cafe IYN

14 45

Early last month I booked to see major show in mid December.

Everything crossed I will make it + also catch Brutal Paradise, a retrospective of Kristina Schuldt’s works which looks very,very promising too. https://t.co/YGf2hDrBcL

2 3

Cpt.1 - My Basic Talent, page 12
This space program looks promising

2 13



Creation Cafe IYN / Gallery IYN 様()


会期:2021年 11月26日(金)~12月7日(火)
会場:Gallery IYN(大阪市北区中崎西1−8−24 アインズビル101号)


8 27

✨Meet Wataru — The Uncompromising Leader✨

The self-serious captain of the demon hunters, Wataru is a man with no time for idle chitchat.

Can you break through his rough exterior and help heal the wounded soul beneath?

13 154



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