H. Momo Zhou (Chinese artist)
© Tutt'Art@ | Pittura * Scultura * Poesia * Musica |

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"Dinosaurt Art Show", un vistazo a la exposición de pintura y escultura que estará durante este mes en la True Measure Gallery y que gira en torno a los https://t.co/GWK7zMAQeo

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Luisa Roldán "La Roldana" (Sevilla, 1652 - Madrid, 1706). Discípula de su padre Pedro Roldán, llegó a ser escultora de Cámara de Carlos II y Felipe V

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Discover top events and activities in the super scenic with our 2018 calendar… Includes the fab latest exhibition at Brantwood plus and much more!

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Aaaahhhh, las esculturas 3D de son lo más lindo que vas a ver hoy. Aquí hay más https://t.co/UKZK9gOlrD <3

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Next Stop... Philly! Come join the Allen boys this Saturday and Pick up your copy of FIGHT OF THE CENTURY at the East Coast Black Age of Comics Convention in Philadelphia!

Find out more: https://t.co/8EtpPLISze

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Depiction of a 17th century caesarean operation, a time before obstetrics was a recognised speciality. From ‘Armamentarium Chirurgicum' (1655) by Johannes Scultetus. Don't forget tomorrow is

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Find out about top events and activities in the with our 2018 calendar!

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It's official! RexCo is bringing FIGHT OF THE CENTURY to 's event at the National Harbor!

Discover more: https://t.co/C8XSYObn0X

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Find out about fantastic events and activities in the with our 2018 calendar!

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Meet REX PUNGA, the definition of an underdog. His belief system comes from a farm upbringing in Brazil. When Rex steps into the octagon, he's fighting against the outright cultural extinction of the practical man. https://t.co/HoJhyppy2n

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Hércules Farnese

Nunca el trasero de una escultura fue retratada por tantos


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Find out about fantastic events and activities in the with our 2018 calendar!

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La pintora i escultora Louise Abbéma, el dramaturg Oscar Wilde, el pintor Toulouse-Lautrec, l'empresari Josep Oller i l'inventor Thomas Alva Edison, cinc dels protagonistes de "La Casa dels Enganys dels Sentits" -

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Discover top events and activities in the super scenic with our 2018 calendar… Includes the fab new exhibition ‘A World of Work’ opening at Brantwood tomorrow!

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