画質 高画質

Happy New Year, Everyone ! it's been a year since i've taken art seriously ! it's been a fun ride ! ✨✨🎉

template: https://t.co/ADQYv7NsVR

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2161/Until it is done

The story thus far:

AfterShock Series Summary:

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There are some arts that I didn't posted on twt cause I feel like it's unnecessary

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My 2022 art summary (Yep I'm butchering the format. lol)
Thank you everyone for such a fun year! now to make 2023 even better!

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( rip wrzesień i grudzień )

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Не оминала я малювання по різним фанхатам...

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Навчилась за той період того,що,як і кожна людина,творчі люди теж мають право на відпочинок-і це,як на мене,позитивно вплинуло на якість робіт

(приклад-робота,над якою працювала 1 день,і робота,над котрою працювала кілька днів)

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2022 рік докорінно змінив всіх;показав,де є чорне,а де-біле;знищував ілюзію,здиравши личину.

В той час став змінюватись й мій підхід до малювання:експерементувала з пензлями,стала малювати на полотні більшого масштабу(і мені це сподобалось)

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figured id do one of these since i havent shown most of these lmaoo

duskull groudon is a collab with ;)

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Here's an art summary that I shitterly put together very quickly

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i wanted to do a 2022 art summary!! it was honestly kinda hard to find something for each month considering, apparently, for the first half of the year i only did m/v stuff.. but i got there in the end :)
i find the comparison between june and july silly.. what a difference o,o

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kinda forgot to share this, I'm really proud that for once since I started drawing seriously, I'm able to finish at least one drawing per month, this is the first time that there's no month that was skipped🥺🤧🎉

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'BGM: True My Heart - Saori Sakura' plays in Abba's head
The Summary of 2022!! odsessed with 💄🤐 in this year !!! It is wonderful to see everyone's 💄🤐art everyday I wake up!!! Love you all my beloved people!!!

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Year of improvement and Hololive ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ✨✨

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