9位(RT12/Fav33):https://t.co/hdsmFcnrsw (agano_class_no3)
10位(RT11/Fav33):https://t.co/FwuJNwtxO0 (no_count_0000)
11位(RT9/Fav29):https://t.co/DmoChc9JIS (KHK1521)
12位(RT10/Fav25):https://t.co/tmterts3s7 (miratsuka2)

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มีนาคมของทุกปีนิตยสาร Eiga Hiho ของญี่ปุ่นจะปล่อยปกลายเส้นของ อ.Tsuyoshi Nagano ที่เป็นรวมที่สุดของภาพยนตร์ในปีที่ผ่านมา(ที่เข้าฉายที่ญี่ปุ่น) ซึ่งปกล่าสุดก็ได้ปล่อยออกมาแล้ว เราเลยขอพ่วงปกก่อน ๆ มาด้วย

84 38

Probably more likely that Gallagher saw Nagano thru the Qubeley given that Gundam had greater penetration in the West at that time

0 2

Actually idk if it was conscious or not but wow the Wraithlords seem to owe a LOT to Mamoru Nagano's Five Star Story "Mortar Headd" mechs

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Star Wars, Tsuyoshi Nagano (長野 剛)

193 678

5位(RT12/Fav31):https://t.co/RetTmU7FcL (nemurakka)
6位(RT12/Fav29):https://t.co/CcOz4dISSq (agano_class_no3)
7位(RT9/Fav30):https://t.co/v0k54kktGu (comicand_com)
8位(RT14/Fav24):https://t.co/fcs4qv9gVu (kankoreoeaki1)

0 0

5位(RT11/Fav39):https://t.co/rQSdS2seKm (murakumotsukino)
6位(RT9/Fav33):https://t.co/gr0jfcjjwA (comicand_com)
7位(RT13/Fav26):https://t.co/hfrQvPgkow (agano_class_no3)
8位(RT9/Fav28):https://t.co/gxluIXYv7s (chikuwaq39)

0 0

5位(RT18/Fav58):https://t.co/LCghh5O3zu (comicand_com)
6位(RT11/Fav31):https://t.co/NKYq0BY8H1 (agano_class_no3)
7位(RT7/Fav32):https://t.co/HO4X1Q1IFc (higashiyama373)
8位(RT13/Fav24):https://t.co/fyi76CGwiF (goto123kokutoh)

0 0

9位(RT13/Fav31):https://t.co/2rSCQEh3pU (agano_class_no3)
10位(RT11/Fav31):https://t.co/JMFdHbJEEH (murakumotsukino)
11位(RT13/Fav24):https://t.co/2ysitNAJ5A (albion_ins)
12位(RT9/Fav23):https://t.co/6fX4IvFiBH (mikankei3)

0 0

Sakura, but with thigh highs. 👀 what can I say. Thigh highs are cool. Cammy is next. 😗

5 28

How does Hirugami Sachirou (25) veterinarian (Nagano)’s hair work ?!?!?

10 46

Mapagano is mean.

Badili is sweet pea. <3

Don't hurt his booper!

0 2

9位(RT15/Fav28):https://t.co/GPSHZivuAg (HITOZUMA_angel)
10位(RT9/Fav32):https://t.co/AatllC6nbE (agano_class_no3)
11位(RT14/Fav25):https://t.co/CC2Slwcl1T (sashimi0gou)
12位(RT15/Fav24):https://t.co/R4ygvCGoge (tonke2015)

0 0

9位(RT19/Fav44):https://t.co/aqR17e3QlO (kankoreoeaki1)
10位(RT17/Fav34):https://t.co/uecPTlbIRS (agano_class_no3)
11位(RT14/Fav36):https://t.co/V2eyL0CH8G (3dLJIqwRzEwNu73)
12位(RT14/Fav34):https://t.co/RF5t1FDU7j (marg0613)

0 0

Sake rocking her new outfit!!!!
a wonderful blessing drawn by the best of the best
i thank him from the bottom of my heart for this wonderful blessing!

5 17

L'oceano sonoro
palpita sotto l'occhio
della luna in lutto,
mentre un lampo
vivido e sinistro
fende il cielo di bistro
in un lungo zig-zag luminoso.
Ogni onda, lungo tutta la scogliera,
va, si ritira, brilla e risuona.
E nel firmamento
dove erra l'uragano
ruggisce il tuono.

0 0

Nasce da un profumo, ricordo, sogno, emozione..
Qui frullavano nel mio immaginario, suoni, rumore, musiche,
che nelle notti d'estate si propagano più lontane:
Dal paese arroccato arrivavano nitidi i suoni della festa: voci, scale di fisarmonica, vicinissime...

10 64

9位(RT10/Fav26):https://t.co/frfTZStqMx (agano_class_no3)
10位(RT8/Fav28):https://t.co/iD0vDsKMXJ (higashiyama373)
11位(RT12/Fav23):https://t.co/1mmNRw2TVp (kankoreoeaki1)
12位(RT8/Fav16):https://t.co/o6zeYnfItX (172cmtese)

0 0

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© «Invierno índigo» de César Herce & Adrián Rodríguez

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