Decided to color the Caulifla piece, I like how it turned out :3

13 78

Caulifla as Quiet

Kefla is coming next week. Also i Hit the 2k Followers Thank you so much for all the support!!! 🙏🙏

35 255

Caulifla enjoying hoodie season 😌

1139 8003

I have two sketches of my new character Cauliflower Witch. But I still can't decide which one do I like more 🙃
In your opinion what variant should I continue to draw? 🌿✨

33 347

I am the bone of my bat
Steel is my body and ohoho is my blood
I have created over a thousand pitfalls
Unknown to Cauliflower
Nor known to Broccoli
Have withstood pumpkin to create many traps
Yet, those hands will never hold nii nii's
So as I pray, Unlimited Trap Works

127 313

Caulifla seeing people rage after she achieved Ssj2 in one episode

158 1169

Ayyo! Xeno Caulifla strikes again! Enjoy the work!

86 451

Bozjan with the fc:
"It looks like a cauliflower"

0 7

Try to see your character called Caulifla even though she is completely different from Cauli. Until they confused Nemari with Pan it would be less bizarre.

Dragon Ball fans are idiots ...

0 4

This are the fan female transformations i left to show individually a named her Cartichoke and its de DNA sayain obviously based in cualifla from dragon ball super

7 46