Part of my loves this outfit, but another part of me hates how annoying it is to work with.

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The other rec I got from Rena! Two of my favorite things, Kimi and winter. (人´∀`*)

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Whisper loves cute kemonomimi girls~ (ノ´ з `)ノ

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So here's my ultimately chosen and still WIP Flower mini contest entry but it does look stunning in smaller resolution :3 Any thoughts haha? I may take out the falling flowers and add some color hues we'll see :'D

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I was inspired by Ibitsu. Fun read if you like horror manga.

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This was my first ever monthly and I never use it. I kinda feel bad for it

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I really need help guys maybe ive lost inspiration ;; Is Yoru, Akki or Myou best for the flower competition?

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So I apparently ranked during a midway, and don't remember it. But, oooh. It matches her eyes.

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