でも、パソからiPod touchに描いたやつ送る方法がわからない(つω-`)

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Quick doodle of My husband on my iPod since I don't have my laptop with me... HAPPY VALENTINES~~

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My 1st artwork on the iPod

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か…描けた‼見たか?見たな?これがiPod touchクオリティ。

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Balls. A word with many meanings. (Coincidentally, ACDC's "Big Balls" just started playing on my iPod.)

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I have a bunch of cool MLP fanart/pictures in my iPod, and I can't share them.... ;~; Nuuuu.... D:

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iPod touchで描いたので、色塗りとか雑でごめんなさい!

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My son, Dillan, playing his iPod touch.

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That moment when you realize that you have over 100 songs from My Little pony in your iPod...

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今日はショタとのふれあい会!(嘘)いや、バイトで小学生と遊ぶってのだけど( ̄・ω・ ̄)やっぱり女の子より男の子の方がはぁはぁ(訳:接しやすい)と思いましたぜ、うん///

んでiPod touchで指描きでスミマセンだが興奮して描いた↓

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Okaaay! I'm uploading this again because my iPod is stupid. .____.
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! <3

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YAY!!! It took a LOOONG time but I FINALLY finished my X-Mas Spraycan Drawing! :D (Using my iPod)

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iPod touchで落書きしたー(*゚ー゚)

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gomen I can't color ATM I tried ...drawing with iPod is horrible welp

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