4 июля 1865 года вышло в свет первое издание "Алисы в Стране Чудес"
Ren: Follow the White Rabbit!
Hux: A-A-A! Ren, you jerk!

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"No, I won't miss you, Ren. Don't overestimate your role in my life."

41 112

Я знаю, у кого в Первом Ордене есть такая игрушка...

23 80

Хамите куртуазно ))))
Hux in the exquisite expressions sends Ren in the ass.

16 61

Day turning in a butterfly.
Hux: What is it? Why am I a moth?!
Ren: laughs gleefully.
Snoke: (to myself) I need to hide my fur coat.

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Composition VI - 1913
Vasili Kandinsky (1866 – 1944)
Saint Petersburg, Hermitage Museum

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Я знаю, что этим фото не пользовались только ленивые)))) Но тем не менее. 2016 год.

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How much does a person need to be happy? Power over the Galaxy. And a breath.

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...and on this day, 12th June 2014, the 3rd (and final) promo pic for with was released. 😊 Reversed, IDK why.🤔 Here's both versions. (On the left the one which was published, on the right the correct one)

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