An elephant’s sense of smell is 5X better than a human’s! More in NOSE KNOWS by Emmanuelle Figueras. Age 7-11

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At the core of Leia & Ben relationship was a bond of love nothing could sever. Leia loved Ben until the end & beyond.
On Saturday, Oct. 24th, share your art, manips, fanfics, fancams, & more illustrating our hope to see Ben back alive in

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Ye Ol Turt Tavern - Roaming Tavern that has a mind of its own, while it is rarely in the same place twice its not hard to find.  

Something a little different than usually, but a lot of fun to paint. 

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An elephant’s sense of smell is 5X better than a human’s! Read more in NOSE KNOWS by Emmanuelle Figueras. Age 7-11

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Wishing everyone a wonderful Sunday ✨ Stay safe and do what you love ✨🌀✨💎✨🍸✨🥰

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Recently watched a few of the old favourites and was inspired by Christian Bale’s portrayal of the one and only dark knight 🖊

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Made oodles of progress. Used a tutorial step by step for the eyes. Was going for a webtoon aesthetic for the lips kind of. Now all that's left is the hair.
Fingers crossed.

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You a coffee or tea sort of fella on a Sunday Morning?

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Finished my painting today, it ended up a seascape, so a few wee final touches tomorrow and it’s off to the framers.

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Happy Sunday! - Here’s a look at the chaos that goes on behind the scenes of a vector illustration in wireframe mode, lots of layers!

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