here's a tiny painting I made of a robin for day 12 of

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“Thank you everyone for your interest in the offers so far! It runs until 24th December, now halfway though I am interested in feedback on offers so far. Which offers have you liked best? What would you like to see more of? Any special requests?

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Day 11 "Aurora Sky
My Monday offering for
It went to a good home with . Miss you.

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Day 10 of Another one of my life mottos. 😊

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Day 10 of feels like a sketchbook day. I sketched this man in 2003 in a zocalo in Mexico. I remember it perfectly. It was a Sunday. The smell of spices traveled on the breeze. People were laughing and dancing.

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“Foxy” Coloured pencil. Day 10 of

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“Fly Up To The Surface” (36x48”, acrylic on canvas) found a new home during this past

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Here is my offering for day 8 of - a robin I painted in oils a while ago ☃️❄️🦋😀

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Summer bear, well fed, area
18x24 acrylic on gallery canvas

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🌟May you spiral in the love of the today 🌟
Day Seven

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