There are no limits to what you can do when u give it your all ☕️

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J'ai reçu son numéro d'autoentrepreneur aujourd'hui et deviens donc officiellement Graphiste freelance !

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Awesome commission done by DA artist entrepreneurial

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Anna Goodson: Thoughts on entrepreneurship, rollerblading and embracing change

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Here are my wolf's woolly legs so far. Still lots to do here.

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Building the knight's armor. I've gotten to the bottom. Now to put the pieces together

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Building a chest plate to go with the helmet. Hope to have this guy done tonight

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The barbarian. Doing his impersonation of Dean Kane's superman

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I've separated the textures out. Now to UV map him so he can be painted!

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Buskin and a knee guard for the barbarian

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The witch has abandoned her cult... Now she spends her time showing off

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My artist/entrepreneur buddy, John Cooley, showed me this today and it's just too awesome not to share with my peeps

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Racing toward completing this run cycle. Hey better man your fort's gates

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My ❤️ is beaming you sure do know who's best!Entrepreneur of the Year couldn't be anyone else

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Building the player's skeleton. She'll be dancing around with a sword soon. Fighting baddies

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Head-to-boot texturing underway. Pretty eager to finish so I can start animating

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