Just a daily reminder that Cain will always come to Jooin no matter what happen.

7 28

Jooin tiene al chico más fuerte del mundo

1 22

Caín se sonroja en ambas escenas al pensar en Jooin como una linda ardilla 🥺

11 103

Sabía que el semáforo tenía algo que ver con estas palabras 😭🌸 solo necesitaba la versión en ingles para confirmarlo, Jooin le agradece básicamente que apareciera en ese momento 😭❤️ ya cásense https://t.co/avlDsNMUef

3 14

This pannel is just stunning! You know it just seeing his eyes...The way he looks at Jooin makes my heart melt 🥺 I miss you Cain, I miss you so much♥️

3 15

"Mientras te abrazaba supe, que el mejor lugar del mundo, es en ti, siempre en ti"

3 10

Jooin crying, it hurts 💔 He has many wounds, I hope they heal one day 🥺 Cain stole my heart throughout the chapter. They deserve to be happy 🥺❤️Thank you for all dear author ❤️

0 34

This chapter was so touching 😭. Finally Jooin heard his own heart and cried 😭. Cain is just so beautiful and finally all the cherry blossom flowers you draw around him make more sense cuz Cain is like a spring rain in Jooin's life. I love him so much 🥺♥️♥️

9 59

minha serotonina diária é o cain e os chibis fofos do jooin 🥺

5 23

cain prepared a birthday cake for jooin :'( so cute

8 43

The best thing is when Jooin says, effortlessly "Someone make me laugh" and Pumm! Cain appears and makes him smile, what more proof do they need?

0 3

Y si no soy el amor de tu vida, confúndeme con él.

2 15

Quisiera hacerte una petición tal vez un poco egoísta: Ser tu último amor.

2 18

They are perfect. 🥺❤️ Jooin needs someone who loves him and treats him well 😢 Cain is the right person✨✨✨

0 26

Ustedes entiende lo importante que fue la aparición de Caín en este momento? Cuando Jooin estaba pensando dudosamente en que podría darle una oportunidad a yahwi, Caín apareció casi como si evitara que Jooin cayera en una mala elección y por un par de segundos se olvidó de todo

18 64

Thank you so much author-nim 🌸 It hurts me to see Jooin tired, to have to let everything go with Yahwi without an apology and still admit that all this time it was not love 😞💕 my baby is maturing

0 31

I love this chapter, I love Jooin's smile. thanks for the chapter and stay healthy!❤️

3 50

Thanks a lot
I found the traffic light scene amazing, thank you author, all Cain and Jooin scenes always make them special
I love everything! 💖

0 36