You guys better headpat Shigure (I don't know how to post gif on reddit so I use the link instead, kekw)

5 63

got a new guy named jake hes like part fly moth kekw

0 0

once again, my sims as the reference kekw

0 2

Thank you for making my bit badges, Pamuks KEKW and Pamuks fluffy butt. They look amazing!

1 5

This is my OC. Name clover. Edgy grill. Kekw

0 2

AAA Forgot to post this, but here's a commission break arto of Helly's OC! Played around with the bucket tool (close and fill) more, still need to figure out how to color clothes with it kekw

11 46

Okay, got that Bronze 1 promotion KEKW

0 7

30min para hacer esto, como se nota que el photoshop no es lo mio kekw

0 10

Feliz cumpleaños!!!!! te hice una rata comiendo pastel <3
te deseo re lo mejor
y que la pases bien, aunque es mejor que no salgas a la calle con esa edad de boomer ya eres poblacion de riesgo KEKW

na, se te quiere, sos re grande

33 908

ironblood girls doodle page thing

oh god I'm drawing a b4 I get burned out kekw

15 68

Time to argue and say Iowa is best girl for 4th of July. KEKW

0 4

look at my shitty background KEKW

0 4

Please stahp or i'll KEKW my ass off!

0 0

20歲おめでとう KEKW

5 27

después de que vegetta le contase que luzu estuvo decaído en su última aventura juntos y al enterarse de que se tomaría una semana de descanso de hacer misiones, rubius no pudo evitar pensar en su colega

ya se que no paso así pero me xupa un 🥚 déjenme soñar kekw

629 4006

im really fuckin proud of this and so I'm gonna do a close up of my favourite parts aka her eyes and her boobs KEKW

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