2016 v 2020

Happy fourth birthday to my adorable OC/sona dork, Lucas, or as some call him, Kaos, it has been an amazing four years of heavily focusing in art, and here’s for more!

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saw suggest drawing one's Sonic OC/s in a canon character's clothes so I had to put Lilith in Eggman's clothes.
I am also new to the Sonic fandom,so please feel free to suggest me artists to follow,and I'd like more friends who like Sonic so if you wanna,hmu!!

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In the spirit of the movie. Here’s my old oc/self insert.

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when i was a kid i loved dragons
and i never realised until now how much Red looks like the dragon from the Wales flag
but yup this was my sonic oc/self-insert.

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Roux is here to steal all them chaos
Honestly how can I not draw a sonic oc/sona after the drawfee crew drew themself as sonic characters style

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Good News Everyone! The supports Cultural Data Analytics with 2.5m Euro at in Estonia. will lead the research group, hiring ~5 postdoc/senior research fellows and ~5 PhD students > Please spread and/or apply: https://t.co/gHbqT4PFuU 1/12

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And here's what I promised you guys, something that I've been working for a whole month on the weekends.

I've made this modelsheet for my portfolio and as experimentation for some stuff. I used my dragon oc/sona to make this happen. Hope you guys enjoy~

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I really wanna do more art with my oc/self insert but I can’t think of any ideas or find motivations for it. I think she’s cute assdffghh

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[identity v] [oc] [body horror] [eye horror]

got lots of stuff coming out of the wip folder today

finally finished a ref for my idv hunter self insert/oc/something

liminal abomination

the sum of one and one is zero

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Twitter's gonna mismatch my IG uploads for a bit but what can u do¯\_(ツ)_/¯ - OC/Savodraws

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ko-fi rewards! ✨✨

👁‍🗨 5$ (pick one)
- 3 card tarot spread
- sketch of your OC/sona!!

👁‍🗨 10$ (pick one)
- celtic cross tarot spread
- colored sketch
+ 10% the next time you commission me!

you also get to pick from my 5+ tarot decks for your readings

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These are the current ref sheets of Achilles D'Raptor, my main OC/sona, along with a few facial expressions . I'll probably make an updated version of them in the future.

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Training some Shadow & Light. This OC/Sona belongs to .

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For I'm going to reveal some personal lore.

My first OC/sona was an dragon boy wielding a big hammer named Lucian. He was also the first ever commission I bought ever when I was 17 from . He was absolutely a garbage teenage OC but I love him.

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anyway if u haven’t seen them here is my oc/selfsona, their name is Luma (pics are different outfits/expressions)

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Made a Mobian OC/sona for a team thing/AU a couple friends and I are doing 💦

Hook the Sloth✨
Normal and Riders variant

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So admitted to never having a sonic oc/sona.....so I fixed that. XD

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Life is finally calming down a bit so I've had the chance to start working on some new projects :,)

Kiva is my oldest oc/sona. So it's only right she's first in line 🥰

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Slixor's Revo design,An OC/sona for 's He uses prehistoric mechanical spirits and can go from Dormant to Destroy

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