Eigentlich war ich ganz zufrieden mit dem Bild, aber je länger ich es anstarre, desto schlechter wird es. :(

0 7

Photostudy of my hero No-one has influenced my thinking as much as he did. RIP. *toasts with Johnnie Walker Black

1 58

Here's my finished version of my fan-art of Michonne :)

3 9

photostudy of my lil sis ♡

2 51

Day 2/100 is here and it's time for a photo study from a trip a few years ago to Alaska

0 4

Audrey time lapse video. Had a super long day of video editing, can't wait to release tomorrow's video 😉

0 5

A photostudy I did a while back.Used Photoshop CC

1 1

The angry.. The selfish.. and The careless..
Which one do you choose!!

30 39

肌と布 / Photostudy

14 83