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🎵 My boyfriend is a pilot 🎶

55 225

I know it's a long shot, but I want StarFox and/or F-Zero.

With the successful resurgence of Metroid, maybe Nintendo could be willing to give other game series another chance.

0 39

Merry Belated Krystmas! Shout out to all the artists and cosplayers who did Krystmas artwork this year! Hope you all had a great Christmas!


18 65

Warmup - Arwing.
hey go vote for next months theme

10 24

Fanart of 's OC, Kira! I absolutely love her design and she was super fun to draw!

21 103

Christmas gift I drew for <3 our OCs Jim McCloud and Valentine Hare!

3 11

間に合わなかった_| ̄|○ il||li でも出来たから載せる

4 13

Snow maiden Krystal


61 232

So I saw Sing 2... and I thought this might be funny...

54 195

Wanted to try out drawing in 's 2 promo art style! Quite happy with the result ^^

19 99

Heck with it. and from as lesbians.

7 27


3 6

also I really need to do more Starfox fanart. I need people to know I'm an intense Starfox fan

16 48

Sometimes I enjoy drawing cartoony birds.
This is Major Hugo (Hugin) Bradic, a pointless OC. He's affiliated with the Cornerian army and lost his legs in duty, so he got military grade cybernetic replacements. He values order.
He doesn't interfere with canon characters

2 9