A very allergic gym leader and his grass types!

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Did meme and it was really refreshing to draw in the style again! ♥
I chose a grass type gym even though I'd be highly allergic to all of my little buddies... 🤧🌺🌿

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yasumi honda (vc: dasoku)
- member of royal flush; queen motif
- 3rd year
- polite, elegant, self-centered
- huge sweet tooth, but is allergic to nuts
- quite frail and gets sick often during the winter
- literature nerd
- a hedonist
- has an irrational fear of the ocean

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5/31 | Forest Doggo | Peepy spots a floof, Peepy keeps it forever. Sadly, Heera is allergic, so Peepy needs to treasure every second of this fateful doggo meeting before resuming their random adventure~

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Perfectly polarized 🔬 PABA crystals. Para amino benzoic acid, formerly vitamin B10 used to be used in sunblock to block UVB light before being replaced due to staining and allergic reactions.

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hi I'm amphy, I'm allergic to taking good selfies

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Late birthday gift for As if baking wasn't hard enough he is also allergic to pretty much everything in a cupcake! My bad >_<'

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some bleghk…

it looks weird. i wanted to practice using black and white since if you’ve noticed i am allergic to using those colors most of the time.

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T is for toxin: drug overdoses and allergic reactions can cause a cardiac arrest if severe. Eg Cocaine causes vasospasm and can result in a Check out my to develop an illustrated video exploring the H’s & T’s! https://t.co/1QmqySqkCW

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me vs. all of my allergic ass friends during pollen season😭

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&& rounding out the soccer friends is jade dwyer! she's elliot's childhood bestie and co-cap'n of the girl's soccer team...... super chillax. moms the shit out of elliot. carries around a first aide kit. super allergic to horror movies and playing twister

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ACHOO! *sniffle* I think I'm allergic to skunk funk... 😟

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Allergic to cats and not a cat person, but I'd instantly grab a realistic version of Alpha if she existed.

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When I finally bust into an ancient temple ruins to explore. Darts, spears; kinda allergic to those things. Every time. When will I learn.

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When you’re like 95% sure that you’re allergic to bananas and people keep telling you to stop eating them

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I love pineapple on pizza! If only I wasn't allergic to pineapple...

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The  - AU where no one is allergic to anything 🌼, the bees are left happily alone 🐝, and everybody finds what they’re looking for (and what they weren’t expecting) that summer. 💕

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I must be allergic to voice acting, because I got more sick after each take.

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2018- Year of the Dog.
Best drawing so far this year. I hope isn't allergic to dogs.

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