Day 29 of with a busy day enrolling and meeting new students . Lovely to see so many enthusiastic new learners. on One-ish for each day of the month.

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Day 27 of with a quick sketch as it's a busy bank holiday on One-ish for each day of the month.

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Day 26 of with "pastel" sketch of lovely moon last night. Enjoying trying out the natural tools on One-ish for each day of the month.

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Day 23 of with so where did the days go? A reminder of visits to the lovely in on One-ish for each day of the month.

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An older image done for a game pitch some time ago. Colours and background Marta Viader and Lana Lananas

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If you were a Bounty Hunter, which friend would you pick as your co-worker?
Art by

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Black Manta looked REALLY cool in that Aquaman trailer! Looking forward to seeing him on the big screen. He was great in The Get Down as Cadillac!

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Yyy fan art de na nueva She-ra doneee~ | dejo tmb la versión sin colorear la linea y el lineart solamente~

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Some drawings from my Instagram feed, in case you missed 'em

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