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Lachlan: (Here comes Unikitty!) Junior, do you want to see a cat?

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Fluttershy: You always get happy when Lachlan’s around, don’t you?

Rainbow Dash: You betcha! I love the little guy!

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Lachlan: I-It’s okay, I’m sure Unikitty still considers you as her mom!

Twilight: It’s not that... *sob* It’s just... I can’t believe Puppycorn and Unikitty’s parents are lost somewhere...

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*they say their “see ya”s and head to their homes, while Lachlan goes with Fluttershy to her cottage, they get inside and right away, his tummy gurgles*

Lachlan: *chuckles and blushes* I’m hungry.

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Lachlan: *finishes* I wouldn’t be this good without the best piano teacher in all of Equestria; Pinkie Pie!

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Lachlan: I try that, but I’m not a really smart dog like Spike or Winona, maybe it’s just that the piano doesn’t like me...?

*of course, Pinkie Pie brings the comfort out for him*

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Fluttershy: *she hugs him tightly* Oh Lachlan, we were so worried about you! We sincerely promise you we won’t ever have a big fight like that anymore, but please don’t scare us like this ever again...

Lachlan: You were worried about me...? You really do care about me... *sniff*

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After a fight broke out with Spike and the Mane Six, Lachlan ran away and his hiding in the dense forest in the rain and his friends have no idea where he is...

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Lachlan: Kinda hard to ignore cool things like that!

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Mistress Marevellous: So how’d you end up here, young one?

Lachlan: I don’t know, all I remember is that I was playing with a toy blaster and then I get blinded by a bright light, and then I meet Rainbow Da- I mean, Zapp. (Man, I’ll never get used to that!)

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Lachlan: (Ohh, right, this is another dimension...)

Zapp: Oh, here comes Fili-second! Good timing!

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Lachlan: *finds a strange dimensional blaster* Coool!

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Lachlan: Hi little guy!

Rainbow Dash: Little buddy, be careful!!

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Applejack: But don’t you two do anything too wild, okay?

Lachlan: It’s a kids’ show, they won’t.

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Pinkie Pie: Puppy, look out for that boulder!!

Lachlan: *slices it to rubble with his sharp claws* What boulder?

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Lachlan: *slides down* Me too cousin! *he got shrunk too*

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Lachlan: That... looks... SO AWESOME!!! *howling!*

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