Dear Liberals,
It's time to own Hillary's loss, do some soul searching and reform the party. P.S. Soul searching isn't blaming others.

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As we say goodbye to Leonard Cohen, progressive liberals of Portland Oregon strive for a better America by screaming and smashing windows.

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John Locke, English philosopher and physician, known as the "Father of Classical Liberalism", died on this day in 1704.

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My liberal cartoonist friend David Fitzsimmons sees Hillary as the big winner in the debate. From

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Pic by depicts hollowness of liberals who are using Rights to dismantle Hinduism

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Pic depicting hollowness of the Rights movement of 'liberals' who are using Rights as a tool to dismantle Hinduis by

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Martin Rowson on Tim Farron and the Liberal Democrats – political cartoon gallery

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A very liberal approach to 's theme today. Rally x still counts as formula1 right?

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Also my piece for yesterday's 'the death of neoliberalism and how we got here'

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When liberalism comes up as a 45 marker

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Look at the horrific injuries "tolerant" liberals gave this man just for supporting Trump!!!!

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i feel like im more liberal with shapes when i don't sketch first lol

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rentzako marrazki berria. Neoliberalismoaren arrakalak Karl Polanyiren mundutik

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Primer post para "ajustarse al cambio": Prat Gay y lo que viene en la visión liberal

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