tryin to figure out harrow // her and gideon together

53 176

rough but ianthe being gay and moping which are two of my favourite things to do

45 152

Started drawing this around the "I must no longer accept being a stranger to you" scene, finished the book and now my heart's broken. Great! Lovely! What a Saturday.

0 3

Gideon, Harrow and the best boys Magnus and Palamedes

58 139

breaking news, 2 repressed lesbians don't know how to express their emotions. more at 3

63 236

Coronabeth and Ianthe Tridentatus from

It's still funny to me how they are twins but only one of them is the hot one

74 210

It’s about time I did some fan art of these gals. They do bones!

40 109

Couldn’t decide so you get both

16 69