An Illustrated Tribute To Spock

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Here's a Spock/ David Bowie Mashup I made several years ago. RIP

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Fuck this day, I'm staying home and watching Search for Spock .

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Doc has a very SPOCK moment in the new DDD. Live long and prosper Mr. Nimoy!

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Found this Thinker knock off in an op shop and he just looked too Spocky to not be Spock... so I Spocked him!

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Merry Christmas! Happy new year! 画了SPOCK和KIRK自娱自乐!❤️

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Artist adds tattoos to Marilyn Monroe, Spock, & 16 other celebs and film characters

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Since I am and have always been a Trek fan. Spock is recent Kirk's from May!

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I did for fun and skill development and because I love

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Swackett salutes Zachary John Quinto; an American actor shown here as Spock in Star Trek Into Darkness. (born June 2)

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V3wo2yY5PpOdbSk-3QyrHLNX fb用自画像。naspocketからPC通さずにスマホでupできたわ。便利な世の中だ。

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