Poiché i monti possono spostarsi,i colli vacillare
ma la mia benevolenza non si allontanerà da te

9 15

barfed a couple of mushy seeing starsigns babs up~
& also hey, hoping u'll have a nice day

0 7

Those TOES! Tarsiers for Säugethiere vom Celebes (1896-99). https://t.co/vyrJxUJfIK

14 20

角川ゲームスの新作『STARLY GIRLS –Episode Starsia-』が発表! 事前登録キャンペーンもスタート https://t.co/dUKZM5a8Te

9 4

[事前登録]シミュレーションゲーム『STARLY GIRLS –Episode Starsia-』発表。運営はアエリアゲームズ、企画・開発は角川ゲームス https://t.co/PlZ3gmDGs8

6 2

『STARLY GIRLS -Episode Starsia-』3大事前登録キャンペーンを実施 豪華声優陣のサイン色紙やゲーム内通貨をプレゼント - https://t.co/L6HTGklBHR

7 2

角川ゲームス、スマホゲーム開発第一弾『STARLY GIRLS -Episode Starsia-』を発表 TGS2016 に出展 - https://t.co/AgEvQdNuWT

22 16

My star sign girls are now available as A4 prints https://t.co/o10xDEsCju

3 0

I really wish that this happened on “Starsitting” but alas, it was the other way around literally. XD

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