☞ 네오아카데미 WANKE 선생님의 캐릭터 일러스트 클래스☆
깔끔한 선화가 특징인 완케 선생님의 클래스입니다.😆

★ 포트폴리오를 포함한 자세한 정보와 커리큘럼 – https://t.co/ysOVO0T4Fn

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☞ 네오아카데미 WANKE 선생님의 캐릭터 일러스트 클래스☆
깔끔한 선화가 특징인 완케 선생님의 클래스입니다.😆

★ 포트폴리오를 포함한 자세한 정보와 커리큘럼 – https://t.co/ysOVO0T4Fn

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☞ 네오아카데미 WANKE 선생님의 캐릭터 일러스트 클래스☆
깔끔한 선화가 특징인 완케 선생님의 클래스입니다.😆

★ 포트폴리오를 포함한 자세한 정보와 커리큘럼 – https://t.co/ysOVO0T4Fn

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And since I am not content to just post other peoples video's and accomplishments, here is some sketchy with Photoshop wankery. ABC!.

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☞ 네오아카데미 WANKE 선생님의 캐릭터 일러스트 클래스☆
드로잉을 중요시하는 완케 선생님의 클래스입니다.

★ 포트폴리오를 포함한 자세한 정보와 커리큘럼 – https://t.co/ysOVO0T4Fn

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I trip and 982763637 pictures of sith obi-wan fall out of my pockets

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In an effort to be kinder and gentler, I've changed the description of my "Delusional Wankers" list to Trump Supporters instead of Assholes.

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It appears that if you are just a mere mortal and follower, if I put you on my "Delusional Wankers" list, you magically disappear. Bye Kevin

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My cunning plan revealed. https://t.co/eKRoKu96jU
Have you checked my lists lately? Did you just get added to "Delusional Wankers"? Chk&see.

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1) This time it's true. It was bound to happen. I just added someone to my lists, "Shitty Spellers", "So Not Seals" and "Delusional Wankers"

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