Saeran done and changed 707's expression \ o /

359 810

LAAS2017's Roots will feature works by Williem de Kooning at

1 1

27.10.2016 :: 27's about preparing for the end…with as much monster movie cheesiness as you can muster 😎🔪(Shoutout to Blade 😂)

0 1


23 49

So sad because I'm almost done with 707's route😭
Anime | Watashi Ga Motete Dousunda
(Kiss Him, Not Me)

0 1

Someday I will stop being 707's trash. However that day is not coming anytime soon.

4 9

(when zen stays over at 707's during yoosung's route)
a teeny little crush

764 1210


アーティスト:杉浦 勇紀(Heinrich Von Ofterdingen)

117 96

【祝 サントラ発売♪】
『7'scarlet オリジナルサウンドトラックCD』の発売が決定いたしました!

58 54

I'm in love with this squad
and sign me up for 707 X MC
707's jacket is probably big and comfy

2 10

>_< ❤︎ of another He's wearing 7's megane lolol x3

15 42

the first 2 707's i've ever drawn

378 552

{FANART} GOT7's ด้วยรักและเอ็นดู๊ววว <3

76 26

比良坂ユキ「皆さん、7'scarlet Song Collectionがいよいよ本日発売になりました!あの主題歌がフルコーラスで聴けるんですよ!もちろんA-TOのLOVESICKもしっかり収録されてますのでお楽しみに!」 

41 49

I like seeing 707's smile >o< ;;;

159 172

7's Revolutionは8/21 17時10分から、よろしくね〜

6 1

Baby Blue Hallucinations: 2007's Genius Party

3 10