I Ship Ren & Nayuta so hard. It wasn't official until Nayuta pulled Ren towards him in the 2nd to last episode like..

I felt so much comfort seeing their relationship start from rivals to basically lovers in the anime :''/

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It doesn't matter who your best AAside boy is, you will love Misono Reon.

It's a fact.

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Hacer contenido de mala calidad es mi pasión ...otra vez

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I don't know what I'm doing...i just think they cute

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“Burn everything to ashes with your apocalyptic fire, King of the World”

You don’t understand how badly I need a AAside/CFV crossover

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I cried in all 3 arcs ngl but Banri's arc hit me like a truck

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Idk what should I add for the background😓forgive me for my randomness😭so,another fanart of my starlight,nanahoshi ren with blue lotus🥳my drawing skill is not good enough to make him perfectly,but hope u like it!

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1am thoughts: Ren and Kanon getting lost together

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aaside fantome iris

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Fujin RIZING is becoming one of my Favorite band.
character: Kaminoshima Fuuta
Series: AASIDE / ARGONAVIS project

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RIO KIKYO FROM ARGONAVIS/AASIDE........i thnink he fits those points quite well i love him

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i made matching nayuren icons! feel free to use them as long as u dont claim these icons as urs!

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- Ren deserves all the exclamation points in the world
- that Banri nickname is something most of the italian fandom uses
- Nyayuta would feature here but I just tought about it
- being a AAside, Garupa and Vanguard fan at the same time is hard

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☆彡.。Special Update

Animate Ikebukuro's front signboard will be featuring a visual advertisement of the AASide Vocalists from today! Look forward to the full visuals of each band released in various ways in the coming future before the game releases! https://t.co/pbkZcPkz1X

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