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Why isn't any work getting done around here? captures an average day-in-the-life at Death, Inc.

5 17

Why isn't any work getting done around here? captures an average day-in-the-life at Death, Inc.

41 200

Money for boosty.I can give time for payment, but no more than a month with a deposit.
On art to draw an anthro dog, only average + skill. Equivalent.
There are no priorities for the exchange

2 4

Haisai! Just your average 16 year old high schooler!

0 2

To other, it's a special occasion

To Donna, it's just her average Tuesday! 💙⚡️ https://t.co/MCm7344C5A

14 49

Kyūshū Flying Squirrel

Average Lifespan in the Wild: Unknown
Distribution: Unknown
Romanised Name: Kyuushuu musasabi
Japanese Name: キュウシュウムササビ
Conservation Status: ?
Diet: Unknown
Scientific Name: Petaurista leucogenys leucogenys

4 12

I enjoy them an average amount

hello again

14 75

Congratulation 🎉🎉

winning Youku 2022 Annual Crown

- 37 M view's daily average
- Top 1 in play volume
- 1st explosion in spring
- Highest user scale & membership conversion rate since 2018
- Youku's 1st drama with 10,000 hits

40 127

Great Cormorant

Average Lifespan in the Wild: 15 Years
Distribution: Atlantic ocean
Romanised Name: kawau
Conservation Status: Least Concern
Also known as: Great cormorant, black cormorant, black shag
Diet: Piscivore
Japanese Name: カワウ
Scientific Name: Phalacrocorax carbo

4 12

Average Day Of Oona Anderson

19 151

I looked at my Twitter stats. The tweet I sent to 's post last month got 11k views 👀

And when I checked my tweets average view is only 100 on nov. :/ Anloremi, Tweet more like this, please🤍This is a great support for artists🌿

Ps. I changed the colors of my dinosaur

3 14

Two characters I decided to revamp
Robin🤎✨ and Amdromeda🌟💙
They were the first wlw couple I ever created, shortly after discovering my own sexuality 💞
And helped me learn to love myself more💕
Robin is were lioness andromeda is your average human lady

2 6

Indian Star Tortoise

Conservation Status: Vulnerable
Japanese Name: インドホシガメ
Romanised Name: Indohoshigame
Scientific Name: Geochelone elegans
Average Lifespan in the Wild: 30-80 years
Diet: Herbivore
Distribution: South Asia

4 7

My commissions start at 5️⃣€ and are about 2️⃣5️⃣€ on average!! I have a bunch of cool extra options under the 'Special' section on my carrd, like cards, badges, pngtubers etc!! Turnaround time ~ 3 weeks
Thank you so much for the potential interest!

0 0

Thank you for the tag and artshare.
My name is Jummer and i'm an average boob and OC enjoyer.
Hope my art is SFW enough.

0 0

Took some sleep pills. Have a bedtime hot take >:P (we changing things up!)
Men should have the same body standards in looks towards women that women have towards men.(ex. Men tend to settle for a 5 and women want an 8 or above on average) sorry not sorry.

0 4