The Daintees - Roll On Summertime (Kitchenware Records, 1982). The picture sleeve features a Coca-Cola magazine advertisement from the 1960s.

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Am I the only person who calls Coca-Cola Coco-Cola?

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// Kokichi ouma
coca cola es puma

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honestly this is so much nicer than red
this is coca-cola i can feel calm drinking. no bright screaming red. no anger. no hatred. just a nice sky blue(??). this is a soda i can feel relaxed with

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Nothing like a cuddle and some cold coca-cola on a hot summer's day during a sunset, y'all 😋 🥤

I've only experienced the "coca-cola on a hot summer's day" part of that sentence tho ✌😒

Here's jotakak!

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yo igual quería.

sería ese típico alumno que copia toda la materia y aun así le va mal en los exámenes, que se distrae fácil, dibuja mucho en clases, mira mucho por la ventana, que no habla mucho y que pelea con el profe por que no lo deja tomar coca cola en clase.

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