just nerds being nerds being gay 🤓🤙

[prompt books/modern au]

99 348

At which point, you watch as she begins to lift up off the ground from the chains, and you see Essek, his hand out of his cloak, lifting her off the ground. Essek kind of just looks to you.

194 971

being sad n pur🅱️le, just traitor things

(decided to also post these separately cause I like them on their own as well so here’s Essek)

35 153

“I know what a fool I have been for years, and I am looking at him as though I am looking in a mirror...”
✨🔥🌑 Shadowgast Day 1 - Mirror

55 277

Holding Destiny.

I felt like drawing some more after my Cad image so I drew some Hot Boi Essek in a Dragon Age tarot insp style.

I can't wait to see where his story will go now.

64 289

i wanted to draw essek generally confused & metaphorically clutching at his pearls

16 55

The Lovers ~ Connection, Choices, Attraction and Balance

My hand huuuurts after making this picture hahah, but the results are worth it. 💕

18 62

Here he is, the Bastard Man himself, my favorite Neutral Evil wizard, Essek Theylss. What a tool. (I love him with all my heart and I’m so glad to finally have drawn him the way I imagined him!)

12 63

Wanted to challenge myself by doing a background heavy image because I am absolutely horrible at them. This actually turned out decently and I’m happy with the results. 💕 Hurray for good old practice!

15 56

i just think it would be neat if he dressed like a victorian lady

35 98

Smol drow babs. Tiny.
Putting the Spoiler Tag on this one as well, just to be safe.

282 979

cw: blood

💮even essential blooms can have unexpected consequences when plucked💮

getting into palette challenges, kicking off with

7 20

There's no rules to how death may come find me
I ain't scared I just feel like that time is
Running out so I can’t stop
For no one

374 1125

Lord Lord from Around with his stupid pointy prestidigitation hair

3 53