okay y'alls what the fuck- how is this even nsfw: it's MY SKETCH OF A PIGEON FFS
f'real though you guys are a joke

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Hey there friends who followed me over from Tumblr! I guess these were just way too hot and saucy to be beamed into the eyes of youngsters. The second one is my favorite. She's in PLATEMAIL! FFS!

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It has taken me until now to realise that Yui's name is literally "UI" meaning "User Interface". Ffs

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Because Eyle basically split in half in one of my old FFs to make ‘Bad-Eyle’(very creative name, much wow)
Characters yelling at Eyle in first panel belong to and my best friend
The second picture is my story in a nutshell lmao

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Please could people stop emailing me saying that they "want to reach out to" me? It gives me the creeps. What's wrong with "write to" me or "contact me" ffs.

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ffs riotgames, when will you decide to do a fucking movie

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쨋든, FFS신간 본 기념←으로 예전에 그렸던 보석X파티마 재업ㅇㅅㅇ)9

그리고 그리고 나서야 깨달았는데 마치(유클레이스가 입은 복장의 파티마)가 시즈(제이드가 입은 복장의 파티마)어렸어....

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Hello! Senpai!
Only for tell you I love your ff is way too cute >∆<
Flatmates and all of incuma ffs I only could drawing them!

I hope you like it! <3

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ffs I was just bored---

I choose u, Fluffstles-

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I'm very anger cause there's lotsa official "I LOVE TERRIERMON" plushies but not a single Lopmon ones?? Like they're TWINS I NEED THEM BOTH ffs

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