Meh I hate her face proportion but for it to be done in half the time as the Noelle I'm alright with it I suppose lol. Anyway here's a Hinata Hyuga for you all!

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I wanted to post this on the day of birthday, but I'm a couple of hours late (in my time zone at least). ^^'
Anyway, this was an old point comm. I made in the Zelda TWW style for someone on DA.

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I HAd to do something for my favourite girl !
Happy Birthday

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EYY! I did say I'll be in a drawing marathon- it's actually a commission marathon; yes I'm stuck with it which I don't mind HIHI But anyways, here's a quick fan art of Hyuga Hinata in celebration of her birthday, December 27 <3
One of the best waifus for me <3

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Please come home for Christmas... 🎄
if not for Christmas... by New Years night 💖💋

Get Hinata and other candy Christmas ladies for only $1! -->🥰

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I will never go back on my word... because that too is my ninja way!

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