Tinta guache. Esse eu fiz baseado numa foto de um cara sentado com um cone na cabeça, q vi no pinterest, não consegui descobrir o autor da foto.

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Peru, acabei usando da cultura Inca. Tentando cada vez mais só usar aquarela!

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Islândia, acabei usando um viking kaka. E especificamente nesse desenho, eu tentei usar o máximo possível de aquarela, quase furei o papel, mas ainda usei outras técnicas por cima.

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Não sei se tá totalmente correto pq eu não conheço e nem cheguei a uma fonte precisa.

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Volveré al manto de empanada de queso ahre xD

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I can’t believe it’s October and has come along stupidly well. As we’re beginning to approach the end of 2019 it would mean the World if you could help me reach 2,000 Followers by 02/01/2020 Rayman Together 1st Birthday.

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Following up on my theme from last week, this week's horror cutie is based on the Japanese urban legend, the Aka Manto! A spirit who shows up to ask you if you want red or blue paper, the former is death by laceration, the latter is death by strangulation.

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in honor of tgcf manhua almost coming out have a skewer made of mantou , dianxia himself , & human face disease : -)

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Bruce Wayne sempre será o Batman, mas você sabia que outros personagens já vestiram o manto de Homem-Morcego além do bilionário?
Para comemorar o preparamos uma thread para mostrar quem foram esses personagens. Confira:

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when will large plots on adamantoise ever open up i want to blow my FC's gil already

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Andrea Mantegna (1431-13/09/1506) est un peintre et graveur italien 🇮🇹 de la première Renaissance (École de Mantoue)
Le Retable de Saint Luc, 1453-54. La Vierge avec l’Enfant endormi, 1465/70.

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Gay Erotic Art

artist - Diamantis Diamantopoulos

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Get to know my character!
Name: M'aila Batih
Race: Miqo'te (seeker)
Age: 21 as of ARR
Homeworld: Adamantoise
Main class: DoH/Culinarian or Bard
Shipping with: Haurchefant
Still new to RP, but enjoying it anyways! Any questions on likes/dislikes? @ me and I'll answer! 💙

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HOUSE LEADER MANTOU🌹🐰 i don’t have a timeskip outfit for him yet though

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Sul in anteprima un estratto dal libro 📚
di in uscita il per
L'autrice dell'attesissimo seguito del "Racconto dell'ancella" sarà al di

12 22

The event was a ton of fun! Shame it ended so soon. But I definitely look forward to the next one!

I only got two people drawn ;; Natus Vincer of Adamantoise, and Yurika Huin of Gilgamesh!

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