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@PineappleRobin I will counter with Damian Wayne's Injustice counterpart's pure existence
Great games but 3 better have Crush
New Superman and Batman animated shows on HBO Max, a Batgirl movie,
AND they're doing an Injustice movie that's not live-action???
I'm geeking out rn.
I love the Injustice games but in recent years weve gotten SOO many EVIL/Aggressive Supermen & Variations of that, when we get back to how Our Boy is actually meant to Be A Lovable BrickHouse Himbo who could Clap Ya Its a breath of fresh air.
They just cant control themselves🤣 https://t.co/roRA7wxos4
Eita, hj foram anunciadas três animações da DC:
My Adventures with Superman (mais juvenil, focada no trio Clark, Lois e Jimmy)
Batman: Caped Crusader (mais soturno e visual das primeiras aparições nas HQs. Por Bruce Timm, Matt Reeves e JJ Abrams)
Injustice em um longa animado!
Looking forward to the live action film of Injustice? It's fully complete & ready to release. Nice surprise in my opinion.
So there's going to be an Injustice movie. I can't wait to see Batman and Superman working together again... with their fists... in each other's faces...
#dc #Injusticegodsamongus #comics
“Batman: The Long Halloween, Part Two” is coming July 27, 2021 to Digital and August 10, 2021 to Blu-ray! It not only comes with "DC Showcase: Blue Beetle," but a first look at "Injustice!" Details at WF: https://t.co/5zHIFeYOsW #BatmanLongHalloween #DCUniverseMovie #Injustice
La siguiente película animada de #DCCómics será nada más y nada menos que #INJUSTICE. 😧🎥
Esto se confirmo a través del material extra que incluye #BatmanTheLongHalloweenParte2, el cual incluye un primer vistazo a Injustice. 🎮 💥
¿Qué les parece gyxers?
#Noticia WB anuncia que su próxima producción animada sera #injustice basado en el videojuego y cómic del mismo nombre.
After hearing about the injustice movie being announced, my mind went to Marvel’s animation.
It’s honestly a shame they don’t do more with their animation team.
Like, imagine how awesome an animated Maximum Carnage movie would be! That’d be a dream project for me to see.
Warner Bros. se encuentra desarrollando una nueva película animada de DC. Esta se llamará 'Injustice', basada en el exitoso videojuego 'Injustice: God Among Us'.
Warner Bros. Animation is developing an animated movie based on the successful #Injustice video game franchise.
Injustice está llegando al mundo animado de DC COMICS... no estamos listos para esto
No sé qué opinen mis compañeros pero las cosas que más me emocionan ver es la relación y el impacto de Black Canary con Green Arrow... en el cómic me dolió mucho.
"Hola, bonita Ave" ♥
An animated ‘INJUSTICE’ movie is in the works.
(via: https://t.co/3FiA93an7K)
DC has announced a new #Injustice animated movie!