My boy shed 20 years of age in the remake hhh-
I think the old Won/Huang is cute too though 🥺


40 197

Massive congratz to
Story of Seasons Friends of Mineral Town has become one of their fastest-selling games to date hitting the 100k mark in record time, and Rune Factory 4 Special has sold 100k copies in North America already!

14 62

Story of Seasons: Friends of Mineral Town fastest-selling XSEED game to sell 100,000 copies, Rune Factory 4 Special also at 100,000 units

49 146

Normally chlorite is bad news in my samples as it forms from the breakdown of the minerals I'm interested in, but this chlorite vein looks simply spectacular!

13 69

i made a thing to celebrate story of seasons: friends of mineral town SO PLEASE GO PLAY THE GAME...thank youuu 🥺👉👈💕

made with procreate

2 32

i want to get the friend of mineral town remake so i can finally live my childhood dream of marrying popuri as a girl 🥺

0 6

I got excited that you could have a pet penguin in the new Friends of Mineral Town


And it took me too long to realize why that would be stupid....

0 6

Playing SOS Friends of mineral town and I have to draw my boyfriend Gray
Choosing between Gray and Cliff is too hard... I want both 😖

7 20

RARE Purple Wilsonite Mineral Pendant! :)

*Pulled from the Earth and Wrapped with my Own Hands.
*Contact me for Int. Shipping Fees.

0 1

Story of Seasons: Mineral Town!

0 2

I refuse to believe I’m the only one playing the friends of mineral town remake rn

2 3

fanart Karen from Story of Season : Friend of Mineral Town

0 0

Uma ótima quarta-feira a todes os fazendeires!
Queria uma roupa de urso pro
Comecei essa arte na quinta passada na live e enfim está finalizada 🐻

1 5

Decided I wanted to try my hand and redesigning Ann/Ran from

I've been feeling pretty dissatisfied with how many of the redesigns don't even feel like the same character, so I wanted to try a redesign that was new but still faithful to the original.

8 17

opening themenya pake yg HM DS uwu.. favorit bgt itu laguuuu T^T

game: story of season - friends of mineral town

0 0

I drew one of my favorites from I married her in every harvest moon game I could but this time I swore to marry somebody else (Elly) so I drew her instead! She has my favorite rival marriage anyway.

3 2

So Jennifer is a cool new addition to the Mineral Town family.

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