Here's some brand new art for today! Featuring the Second Class Angel, Shotaro Ishinomori's debut work, alongside the similarly-themed and underrated gag series Wonder Bevil-kun! Colors by

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祝・サイボーグ009の日! 石巻、石ノ森萬画館で展示中の石ノ森章太郎先生「生誕80周年お祝い色紙展示」、その下描きを軽く塗ってみました。仕上がりのほどはぜひ石巻でご覧くださいませ☆(アナログ仕上げ難しかった(汗))

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7月19日は『 』。


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My 009-1 Dolphin World artwork with colors by ! Despite being a fan of 009-1, I don't draw Mylene very much. Naoyuki Konno already did such a good job with her. But there's Dolphin World, which he never did for the show, so I chose to draw it!

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Here's my most recent Shotaro Ishinomori girls compilation! Featuring Remi Tachibana, Ann Dow, Marippe and Nene! Colors by

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I'm going to compile some artwork together by themes. This one is made of gag, fantasy and fairy tale-like art! Featuring Hoshi no Ko Chobin, Esper Ecchan and some original characters!

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Here's my most recent art compilation for the time being! This includes tributes to the works of Go Nagai, Mitsuteru Yokoyama, and of course, Shotaro Ishinomori. Colors by

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I have some brand new art for today, it's Nene from Shotaro Ishinomori's The Wild Cat. It's another collaboration with my friend !

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Another art of mine colored by . This time is Marippe from Kinnaru Yatsura. For this one, she used a similar color palette as the manga when it was originally published.

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Another one of my sketchbook art colored by my friend ! This time featuring Ann Dow and her different disguises from Dow Detective Agency!

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While I'm busy taking care of some business, my friend is coloring some of my sketchbook art! And she did such a lovely job on this one!

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石ノ森章太郎原作『変身忍者嵐』が鮮やかに現代によみがえる! 近未来忍者アクション『変身忍者嵐 SHADOW STORM』コミックス絶賛発売中!

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『新 ライダーSPIRITS』18巻 石ノ森章太郎・村枝賢一 2018年6月15日発売 [バダン、その新たなる三柱!!]

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『新 仮面ライダーSPIRITS』第18巻の画像が公開されたのですね。



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And here's the compilation of my Shotaro Ishinomori First Battle series, In Color! I also added shading to the Kamen Rider one!

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