画質 高画質





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My fav things I made in 2021 :0

Also, show me some of your favs you made in the comments so i can find some new artists to follow in 2022!

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last post of the year! picked two of my favs and added in something new :}
i look forward to 2022, see you on the other side! 🎉

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Yo this year flew by i cant believe the progress i have made in a single year thanks to everyone who made this year the best in terms of personal development!

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🎍🌅Happy Newyear 🐯✨

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is the

This is 1 of 2 of the only 8-gadget Tigers in all of land.

Ready to blast off to outer space, or keep you warm and dry on a rainy day. He's a real beauty, inside and out.


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Artwork and OC by
Happy new year (or new year's eve), everybody! Who's excited for 2022? I know I am! If you're feeling nervous or afraid, then it's okay! You're not alone in this! Stay safe out there! Live your life to the fullest!

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thanks for everyone who support me till this moment, really love you guys 🥰

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✨Best of 2021 ✨

Feliz año nuevo 🤍

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Sketched something quick for the new year!! I hope you all stay safe 💕 can’t wait to draw all this coming year too!

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HAPPY NEW YEARS TO MY FOLLOWERS!!! 🎂🎉🎇🥳Something quick and shitty cause I do everything last minute lol.

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今年はもっと沢山の方とお話したいし、活動頑張っていこうと思います( - ̀ω -́ )✧



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Feliz año nuevo, que este año se consigan todas nuestras metas y se cumplan nuestros sueños X3.
Sigvard (mi gaomon) les desea un feliz año también 0w0.
psdt: asegúrense de que sus mascotas no escuchen los cohetones nwn

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