The way Lukas looks Philip, the way Philip tried to make Lukas see who he actually is... I just can’t stop loving them. Can’t stop missing them. and we always will.

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Oh flip, its almost the end of ... This is a Variant version of a print in my store!

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『エイリアン:コヴェナント』 (Lenticular Slip, Steelbook Edition B)香港盤到着。最初のデザインよりこっちが好み。スチールブックの表と裏はこんな感じ。日本語表示あり。オマケに写真集とキャラカードと絵葉書付き。

1 7

How do ensure the keywords you use for SEM are right for your business?
Watch this clip, and visit our online learning portal here> to learn more.

21 23

Gearing up for a Dry January? Our client, Seedlip, has just the thing for you: a sophisticated and craft-driven spirit that is also non-alcoholic.

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Print of the Day: "Caterpillar, Pear, Tulip, and Purple Snail" by Joris Hoefnagel, ca. 1595. A page from the remarkable Mira calligraphiae monumenta (Model Book of Calligraphy), a collaboration across many decades with Georg Bocskay:

19 55

So, I know there's a lot of Pistol Shrimp fakemon out there, but is there any other Bullet, Pistol Clip, and SHOTGUN Shrimps out there? Krillet, Cliplish, and Shotcraw, Water/Steel types (debating on Water/Fire for Shotcraw instead though), also threw in Dex Entires

4 13

Its Tokeiiiiiii. Tested CLIP, it lags a bit thooo

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Back off a few steps, duplicate, flip, blend, Camera Raw, etc. for an Art Deco-like result. Just a WIP. 4/?

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So I did a drawing from your clip, your face looks so magic 😍

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Paintings now on View and for sale at Treme, Main Street, Islip, NY

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Artists! If your eyes always look misaligned when you flip, try drawing the horizontal line on your heads straight instead of curved!

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Sweet flip, dude.
Pretty sure I ruined this along the way, but god damn if I don't like cool pointless stunts in battle scenes.

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KIMLIP, Smile :)

시간이 흘러도
사라지지 않게 영원히 🎶
빨강소녀💋 립이의
데뷔 100일을 축하해요 💕

66 138

hi everyone - I'm glip, an illustrator/comic artist/musician from las vegas! also I'm SO glad there's a tag going this year!!! :D

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Philip, the virgin octoboy everyone's thirsty for

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as jeffrey landed a sick back bigspin-to-360 hardflip, he said
"wow, that's a lotta content for only a few bones"

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