Palomiteros y Palomiteras 🍿... La GANADORA 🥁, con el 30% de los votos es...

‼️JUMANJI 🥳, que se convierte en la protagonista del episodio 3️⃣ que reseñaremos próximamente‼️

Ha estado muy reñida 🙃...Gracias por participar y apoyarnos 💛

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this is so random 🤧(because I straightened my hair today.)
another fanart of Me and Baji. C'mon, ship me with Keisuke Baji already. 🤧💕

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+ Just felt like coloring really pretty boys :')

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CW: Blood

First troubled man with big boobies of the day is Manji from Blade of the Immortal 🧍🏻‍♂️

Blade of the immortal is extremly bloody and has mature themes pls check comments for TW before watching🧎🏻‍♂️

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For I work hard to extract the art at the best quality, and bringing all sorts of weird, rare artwork to the limelight.

- Sword World (SNES)
- Pop'n Music GB (GB)
- California Games (NES)
- Ganbare Goemon Shishijyūrokubei no Karakuri Manji Katame (SNES)

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J’ai dessiné chifuyu en adulte ,Il faut vraiment que je m’améliore au niveau des cheveux mais sinon les yeux je les trouves WHOOUAAA✨✨✨#chifuyumatsuno

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I am in love with Tokyo Revengers and here are some of my drawings~
Baji and Mikey~

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Isso de Tokyo Revengers me lembra de Blade of the Immortal. Quando fiz o layout da edição kanzenban mexicana, primeira do Ocidente, o Japão solicitou tirar a suástica da capa e utilizar um kanji mais recente que representasse o Manji.

Ou seja, não é desculpa manter o negócio lá.

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