Here's a few of those smaller not mentioned updates:
Mordred's eyes are greener.
Shinjuku Archer has his sprite updates
Kiara has her skill animation and I think sprites
Various additional voice lines other than the documented ones (Bunyan, Passionlip, all I remember for now)

0 1

'a tribute to alfred' poster & archiving book -

0 1

Those 'Asian-inspired' fantasy books white girls keep shitting out

8 45

I'll be real with you Fred's canon design is utterly painful to attempt to draw so here's my take on him

0 7

This was one of those things I did that got the most questions, probably mostly because it was captioned some like "hey 'Red' how come the carpets don't match the drapes?" which admittedly is very weird on every level

8 120

And thus ends the session. Fred's curse was lifted, as he was transformed from his cursed grung form, into his pure, original froggy grippli form.

Thanks for having me ! And was fun,

15 100

Arcade Mania next page is here!

Jared's face goes through a major change!

Check out more pages for $3:

2 19

This is Adonar Red'lio, my first OC ever.
And it's a BIG OOF 😂

0 2

Also I love Alfred's design in this. What a Fine Old Man. Total F.O.M.

7 132

Thancred's happy family life.🧋

152 658

CW; Gore, Body Horror


11 64

Demon's Souls old/new trailer side by sides. A whole remake from the ground up, with a new 'fractured' mode and what seems to be restored cut content [the giant's archstone.]

18 78

Ah yes. Red. Red's Friend. And her 1000% super fluffy tail

111 358

I drew a hauntingly beautiful horse to keep Fred's company

It, too, can be yours, for 25 quid, but be warned, it is accurséd

3 35

'Star idol Crimson Red' all finished

1 2

'Dodo Tower; this is Dodo One, we have a Code Red'
I always wondered how Wilbur gets you out of this mess. He probably just punches the scorpions in the face. Or how do you think he does it?

818 2021

Look, it's Jared's cat again🐱

28 415

Hay! Watched the video and found these! Thought you might want to check it out
1st p : Ambassador Anniversary?
2nd p : Outer's death
3rd p : Red's death by XGaster (needle hands)
4th p : Blue's death (also needle hands)

oh and there's more

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