عمل مستوحى من "سديم الجبار"
استغرقت مني اللوحة ١٨ ساعة.

"تلك الألوان التي تعيد إلي ذكريات أعجز عن تذكرها."

Colors that bring me memories which I can’t recognize
Acrylic on canvas (100*80cm .

Inspired by the “Oreon Nebula

9 52

Hi, I'm Gloria, and artist from Spain. I usually paint fantasy stuff.

✉️ gloryaart.com
✏️ https://t.co/igsGIShmc8

15 42

Pulled in the depths of those Lost eyes..
فانجذب إلى أعماق تلك العينان الشارِدتان. .
Acrylic on paper .
Illusion art experiment

4 29

Well, it’s finally done!

My first piece of Temperament, the wonderful snake. Thank you to those who voted on the poll yesterday.

I hope you love her design as much as I do.

🎨 - @/MorryaArt

11 41

Two more Patreon rewards, one for PitthekidIcarus and SophiaSonyaArts ^^

1 21

During quarantine, I've been brushing up my anime drawing skills and I gain some confidence in them 😊

Left to right is the order of my progression 😁

PS: I've made an instapage for all my artworks @/ohmyaart07. Would appreciate a follow 💕

0 6

كيف تعرف أن الوجبة صحية ..
How to know that it’s organic and healthy ?

4 29

ما يحتاجه البشر ..
What humans really need ...

4 28

Probando un nuevo pincelin con Emily uvu)/ ✨🧡✨

52 285

الفن سِحرٌ يُفَعِّل حواس متلقيه، لتجعلهم يستشعرون ما يتلقوه من جوانب قد لا يدركون وجودها.

Art is a magic that makes people perceive things in ways that they never thought it existed.

4 38

عيد مختلف عن كل الأعياد، رغم كل شيء، لا توجد حدود للسعادة, و عيدنا اليوم يكمن في صحة وسلامة من نحب .
A different Eid indeed though,
Despite everything there are no limits for happiness..let’s celebrate the welfare and health of our loved ones

4 47

Shunrei | Azalea | "Cuide-se por mim"
Mais uma da minha serie de Linguagem das Flores <3
Vai ter speedpainting dela logo logo!

10 28

تجارب "فن التشويش" او ال Glitch art
دمج بين الفن التقليدي والفن الرقمي
Experiments with glitch art - a merge between traditional and digital art .

0 16

مشهد موثق من مشاهد ٢٠٢٠
A documented scene from 2020 .

3 40

a girl, who is the reincarnation of a goddess
need to use her powers to protect humanity
with the help of her five champions

7 20

اجمل ما في العمل عن بعد ان الواحد يأخذ راحته في “تقنيات” إنجاز المهام.
Best thing about working from home is no one interferes with your working techniques 😌

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