Did it early! Black Frost Ace!

20 55

いつだって戻りたいあの世界はずっと自身の中に(˘ ˘)

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The official baddie of the night is Satan from the Megaten series

158 561

Kaneko and Baofu go to the same hairstylist.
(maybe they’re distantly related)

0 2

I can't go to sleep so I guess I'll continue doodling... ;3; Dante and Hitoshura (Megaten Nocturne)

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I remember when I played Megaten Nocturne and tried to get Dante to join my party, he scared the living doodoo out of me...... But I still liked Dante so I gave my best to make him join Hitoshura.... (T3T) I don't think I hundred percent understood their exchange though. 😂

1 20

I drew my dorkass flynn and his precious daughter heqet

2 3

I’m such a fan of both Chuuya and Persona, I had to draw Arahabaki as one (yeah I know arahabaki has already a design in megaten)

1 2

Gonna share pics of some of my favs in here~ Kouryuu/Huang Long, Seth, Barong, Sphinx....

1 4

Gosto de desenhar garotas com olho morto e estou com comissions aberta gatenhas


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Have a Megaten-ry Christmas

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