画質 高画質

Rishid ishtar and atem from yugioh duel monsters are north african Egyptians (canon)

10 37

🐲Dragon-R. アクリルキーホルダー


Ryuichi"DRAGON"Nishida OFFICIAL SHOP https://t.co/YfewCed0sn

10 93

J'aime beaucoup se choix de carte pour le jeu mobile.
Ils ont l'air si apaisé étant jeune, et étant adulte le fait que Kotori souri par rapport a Ryō, ça me fais un petit qqch.

我妻涼 | Azuma Ryō
石田小鳥 | Ishida Kotori

QP | キューピー
高橋ヒロシ | Takahashi Hiroshi

6 38

Happy birthday to Kazama Youto, the original voice of Ishida Yamato in Adventure and 02, in addition to voicing Metal Seadramon in Adventure, and co-voicing Valdurmon with Maeda Ai/AiM in Adventure:!

1 2

Happy birthday to Kazama Youto (), the original voice of Ishida Yamato in Adventure and 02, in addition to voicing Metal Seadramon in Adventure, and co-voicing Valdurmon with Maeda Ai/AiM in Adventure:!


41 236

12💛 Kishido Temma - Holostars

haha (twirls hair) i don't watch vtubers but if its him i'm considering it 😳😭😭 i like him so much he's so handsomejhsagfjgfjdsf sir your visuals???

1 3

La chaîne japonaise NTV prépare une programmation VIOLET EVERGARDEN ✉

29 octobre : "Version spéciale" de la série (remontage des épisodes 1-3, 7, 9 et 10), par le réalisateur Taichi ISHIDATE.


14 55

⭐แนะนำคาแรกเตอร์หลังจุติใน Collaboration อีเวนท์ บัวปริ่มน้ำบาปกำจร!

👑ซา โกโจ (CV: Hirata Hiroaki)
👑โจ ฮัคไค (CV: Ishida Akira)
👑เจ้าชายอิระ (CV: Terashima Junta)
👑เจ้าชายเวดี้(CV: Furukawa Makoto)

93 65

Kishido Temma and Lord Knightmon (Hiyamaru)

-Kudamon (2006)
-Lord Knightmon

1 4

Another sticker done! I’m aiming for one a day so hopefully I can keep up the streak. I really liked her original so I’m happy Ishida got an upgrade

2 2

Ishida Shouya
Koe no katachi

63 378

El manga ‘Jagaan’ de Muneyuki Kaneshiro y Kensuke Nishida finalizará en cinco capítulos, diciendo adiós el 1 de noviembre. Su tomo final, el n°14, saldrá a la venta en Japón el 30 de noviembre.
En España lo edita y desde aquí lo recomiendo encarecidamente 😁

7 45

「何かを観察する(toy with)ということは対象を操作することであり、複数の文脈において試行してみることだが、いずれも決定的ではない。」

〈シーン#003〉 955x850x40mm, 2021, キャンバスに油彩

0 2

Studio Colorido's original anime movie "Ame wo Tsugeru Hyouryuu Danchi" newest key visual and PV posted with movie scheduled to be released on Netflix in 2022. The movie will be directed by Hiroyasu Ishida.

PV https://t.co/HarM5iee4w

Web https://t.co/mqkPDkYdEd

0 0

Ame wo Tsugeru Hyouryuu Danchi (Drifting Home) original anime film announced for a 2022 premiere; Hiroyasu Ishida (Penguin Highway) directs film at https://t.co/pltOsTBcoW

42 309

The Hulk/Bruce Banner (from Marvel MCU, Avengers series) reaction of Tai Kamiya (with Agumon as WarGreymon) and Matt Ishida (with Gabumon as MetalGarurumon) fighting against each other (from Digimon 1999-2000; Season 1 series)

0 1

A summer's farewell journey has begun.

From Studio Colorido and director Hiroyasu Ishida (Penguin Highway), take a peek at this teaser from their latest feature, “Drifting Home”.

347 1956