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Rainbow Dash: Twilight?! What happened to us?!

Twilight: I guess my spell must’ve reflected off a mirror and hit us! We’ve gotta get Spike and Lachlan’s attention!

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Flora McLachlan’s fine art print, Under the Yew Tree. It’s Halloween weekend and the clocks go back, the days get increasingly shorter, but beautiful art is inspired by this melancholic time of year. https://t.co/1LHgOUmWNn

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Lachlan: Um..... *sigh* ...no, I won’t be alright...

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Unikitty: Um... *stammering* I.. uh....

Lachlan: So, there IS a relationship.

Unikitty: (I can speak for myself...) *assertively* It’s none of your business! This is my responsibility!!

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Lachlan: *giggle* I emptied her mouthwash and refilled it with toilet cleanser!

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Lachlan: Hey Techno, Candy! I pulled a pretty good prank on Smolder!

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Fluttershy: *coincidentally flying by* What’s so nice?

Pinkie Pie: Lachlan wrote these lovely things about us, here, he wrote about you too! *she hands her the note*

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Lachlan: *he held the piece of paper Applejack had just read*

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Applejack: D’aww, come here, little sweetie pie!

Lachlan: *hugs her*

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Lachlan: I’ve been meaning to ask; how come you chose purple as my shoe colour?

Lachie: I felt like choosing a unique colour for footwear, or in your case; paw-wear.

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Lachlan: Oooh, just when I was thinking how you girls could be even more beautiful!

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Lachie: Let’s make it easier, you’re Lachlan, and I’m Lachie.

Lachlan: Ooh, smart idea!

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Lachlan: The only thing that’s based on me while making him is having mostly female friends when I was little.

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Sonic: Yeah... back when my supposed ‘fans’ actually liked my anime.

Lachlan: Aww, c’mon Sonic, people still like it!

Sonic: *scoff* Tell that to my fan base.

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Lachlan: Do my roleplays get a little too weird...?

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Lachlan: Too easy!

Angel: *kicks* Hey, you mind taking it down a notch with that spark thing you just did? It’s kinda affecting the lighting in here!

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Lachlan: *hiding* Whew... I think we lost them. *burp!*

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