New ✨#MarvelCosmic✨ next week for (9/4/19) Thread (cont)

W-, A-#PacoMedia

Immortal variants:

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my Aka Manto son that I don't draw often enough

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Ahora que el mundo sabe quién es Peter debe comenzar una "nueva vida" y, además de cambiar cosas personales, decide tomar el manto de Listo, ya resolví el hipotético hueco argumental del Universo Cinematográfico de Marvel para no dejar afuera a

381 1977

It's my mantor ladies
They're back
They're gay

Idk thought it'd be cute, a rough and ready cowgirl and a prissy show lady

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"... el tiempo lo ha invadido todo, con su pálido manto de tristeza."
Nicanor Parra

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Navajo Germantown weaving, 62½" x 47", in excellent shape, according to the condition report, sold for $3875 (est. $1500/2000) at New Haven Auctions, New Haven, Connecticut

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Yesterday I had a whim of taro mantou 💜 Here where I live I can’t found taro by itself but I’ve found some vegan taro mantou and taro mochi 🤤💜 sadly I can’t get here any bubble tea 😭🥤

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Su nombre, seguramente en la lengua eorlinga hubiera tomado la forma de 'Sceadufax' or 'Scadufax', 'crines/manto de pelo gris'.
Ilustración: Sombragrís visto por el artista serbio / Shadowfax by serbian artist Dejan Delic

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Callada noche
azul manto de estrellas
me habla de ti.


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